Health and Safety Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Studio Creations Ltd is committed to, as far as is reasonably practicable, ensuring the safety, health & welfare of all staff and visitors, or such persons whom are effected by its work activities, in line with current Health & Safety Legislation.
The Director with overall management responsibility for ensuring that the policy and procedures are implemented effectively is Justin Spier.
The competent advisor to the company is Neil Fenn BSc (Hons) ICIOB IMaPS TechIOSH of Shore Engineering Ltd. He is also qualified in First Aid at Work. He has worked in the Construction Industry for a number of years initially gaining experience in the site and contracts management roles for a large Principal Contractor, more recently moving into the CDM Consultancy & Health & Safety role within the firm. Justin Spier is also a qualified First Aider for the company.
Responsibilities of the Health & safety advisor are to provide advice on all health and safety matters, including:
Risk assessments and provide expert advice:
Periodic audit in relation to health & safety;
Investigations and reports of accidents, ill-health and dangerous occurrences including
RIDDOR reports;
Regularly review and update Studio Creation’s risk assessments, safety policy and
Implementing Induction and Health & Safety training for staff as required.
All employees are responsible for:
Co-operating with health and safety procedures, working safely and reporting incidents or
Reporting medical conditions that could affect the safety of themselves or others;
Ensuring they are not adversely affected at work by alcohol or drugs.
Employees will be consulted and kept informed on all matters affecting their health and safety, and are encouraged to raise any issues directly with the company safety advisor or Director.
The policy and procedures will be brought to the attention of employees at induction, at yearly intervals, and by being displayed in a prominent position on the office notice board.
Health and Safety Policy Statement
We believe that high standards of health and safety control are an essential part of business management, and rank in equal importance with other fundamental areas of business.
We recognise our health and safety duties under the Health and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and other relevant legislation and codes of practice for our workplace.
Our accident and near-miss incident prevention function is an integral part of operational management. The main objective is the elimination of accident and incident causes. Therefore, as a matter of policy we will take all reasonable care to protect all employees and others who may be affected by our activities and facilities, by implementing safe operating procedures and safe systems of work to eliminate foreseeable hazards.
We will also take all practical steps necessary to prevent or reduce harmful impacts on the environment, which may result from our activities, products or waste. We will respect legal standards and will implement changes that are appropriate to achieve compliance.
The Chief Executive Officer has the overall responsibility for effective health and safety management in the workplace. He will appoint a Director responsible for Safety to oversee health and safety matters in the workplace and report back their findings to the board. The Director responsible for Safety will ensure that the necessary resources and arrangements are provided for the implementation, monitoring and reviewing of this Policy and associated safety arrangements. They will also ensure that if a competent employee is not available, an external source of competent assistance and advice will be sought. It is the responsibility of the Director responsible for Safety and the Health and Safety Co-ordinator to ensure we achieve day-to-day health and safety compliance in the workplace and to liaise with our competent advisor.
All employees must comply with the legal safety obligations placed upon them by legislation and company policies. They must also co-operate with the company in meeting its legal requirements and responsibilities.